After getting a sample from a population with pdf or pmf \(f(x|\theta)\), it is reasonable to obtain information of \(\theta\). Thus it is natural to find a good point estimator of \(\theta\) with the sample, here MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimators) as a method of point estimator is useful.
Before introducing the definition of MLE, we need to know Point Estimator and Likelihood Function.
According to Casella & Berger(2002), the definition of point estimator is any function of a sample which means any statistic is a point estimator.
Suppose we have random sample \(X_1,X_2,...X_n\) from a population with pmd or pdf \(p(x|\theta)\), then, given that X=x is observed, the function of \(\theta\) defined by the joint pdf or pmf (\(L(\theta|x)=f(x|\theta)\)) is called likelihood function.
Casella & Berger(2002) said that when considering pdf of pmf \(f(x|\theta)\), \(\theta\) is fixed and x is the variable. When considering likelihood function \(L(\theta|x)\), \(\theta\) is variable and x is the observed sample point. This is the distinction between joint pdf or pmf and likelihood function.
Intuitively, an event A occurs and others do not show up just because A has the maximum likelihood. Therefore, the maximum point of likelihood function should be a good guess of the parameter \(\theta\). This estimate is called Maximum likelihood estimate.
If \(X_1,X_2,...X_n\) are an iid sample from a population with pdf or pmf p(x|\(\theta_1,\theta_2,...\theta_k\)),Likelihood function is defined by
To find the maximum point of likelihood function, it is equivalent to find tha maximum point of the log likelihood function \(l(\theta|x)=logL(\theta|x)\). We just need to solve equation \(l'(\theta|x)=0\), the solution \(\theta_{mle}\) is the maximum likelihood estimate of \(\theta\).
Formula of MLE:
\[\theta_{MLE}=\mathop{argmax}\limits _{\theta}\log{L(x|\theta)}\]
The advantage of MLE lies in its asymptotic consistency and efficiency.
And there are two drawbacks of MLE. Firstly, how to find and verify that the global maximum has been found is one drawback (Casella & Berger,2002). Though it is an easy problem in calculus, sometimes difficulties exist due to the densities.
Secondly, we need to take the sensibility of estimate into consideration. This is a common problem in mathematical maximization process not just in this case. According to Casella & Berger(2002), in MLE, it is unfortune that usually some small changes in sample will lead to vastly different estimates.
Given a set of observed data, \(X=[{x_i}]_{i=1}^N\), and model parameter \(\theta\). Assuming the corresponding unobserved data (latent variable) \(Z=[{z_i}]_{i=1}^N\), we call \((x_i,z_i)\) as complete data. If we do not consider the unobserved data, MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) can be directly used to estimate parameter.
MLE: \[P(X|\theta)\]
\[\theta_{MLE}=\underset {\theta}{argmax} \log P(X|\theta) =\underset {\theta}{argmax} \sum_i^N \log P(x_i|\theta) \]
Because of unobserved data,
\[P(X|\theta)=\int_Z P(X,Z|\theta)dZ \]
It is difficult to replace (2) to (1). Thus, EM is introduced. Iteration is used to get final answer. By EM, expectation step and maximization step are alternated, until convergence.
\[\theta^{t+1}=\underset {\theta}{argmax} \int_Z \log P(X,Z|\theta)\cdot P(Z|X,\theta^t)dZ =\underset {\theta}{argmax} E_{Z|X,\theta^t} \log P(X,Z|\theta)]\]
\[P(Z|X,\theta^t) \rightarrow E_{Z|X,\theta^t} [\log P(X,Z|\theta)]\]
\[\theta^{t+1}=\underset {\theta}{argmax} E_{Z|X,\theta^t} [\log P(X,Z|\theta)]\]
Prove procedure (use ELBO and KL Divergence):
\[\log P(X|\theta)=\log P(X,Z|\theta)-\log P(Z|X,\theta) =\log\frac {P(X,Z|\theta)} {q(Z)}-\log\frac{P(Z|X,\theta)} {q(Z)}\]
Integral with \(q(z)\):
\[\begin{align} \text{left}&=\int_Z q(Z)\cdot \log P(X|\theta)dZ\\ &=\log P(X|\theta)\int_Z q(Z)dZ\\ &=\log P(X|\theta)\\ \text{right}&=\int_Z q(Z)\cdot log\frac {P(X,Z|\theta)} {q(Z)}dZ-\int_Z q(Z)\cdot log\frac{P(Z|X,\theta)} {q(Z)}dZ\\ \end{align}\]
\[\int_Z q(Z)\cdot \log\frac {P(X,Z|\theta)} {q(Z)}dZ\]
is ELBO (evidence lower bound), and
\[-\int_Z q(Z)\cdot \log\frac{P(Z|X,\theta)} {q(Z)}dZ=\int_Z q(Z)\cdot \log\frac {q(Z)}{P(Z|X,\theta)}dZ\]
is \(KL(q(Z)||P(Z|X,\theta))\).
\[KL(q(Z)||P(Z|X,\theta)) \geq 0\]
where 0 is gotten when \(q(Z)=P(Z|X,\theta)\).
\[\log P(X|\theta)=ELBO+KL(q|P)\geq ELBO\]
\[\begin{align} \hat \theta&=\underset \theta {argmax} ELBO\\ &=\underset \theta {argmax}\int_Z q(Z)\cdot \log\frac {P(X,Z|\theta)} {q(Z)}dZ\\ & =\underset \theta {argmax}\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta)\cdot \log\frac {P(X,Z|\theta)} {P(Z|X,\theta))}dZ \quad \text{because KL=0 is gotten when $q(Z)=P(Z|X,\theta)$)}\\ &= \underset \theta {argmax}\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta)\cdot [\log P(X,Z|\theta)-\log P(Z|X,\theta)]dZ\\ &= \underset \theta {argmax}\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta)\cdot \log P(X,Z|\theta)dZ, \quad \text{because $\log P(Z|X,\theta)$ have nothing to do with $\theta$} \end{align}\]
We want to find, if \(\theta^t \rightarrow \theta^{t+1}\), when \[\log P(X|\theta^t)\leq \log P(X|\theta^{t+1})\]
i.e. will \(\theta\) increase by EM
Prove procedure:
\[\log P(X|\theta)=\log P(X,Z|\theta)-\log P(Z|X,\theta)\] Integral with z
\[\begin{align} \text{left} &=\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(X|\theta)dZ\\ & =\log P(X|\theta)\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)dZ\\ & = \log P(X|\theta)\\ \text{right}&= \int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(X,Z|\theta)dZ-\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(Z|X,\theta)dZ\\ \end{align}\]
\[\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(X,Z|\theta)dZ =Q(\theta, \theta^t)\quad \text{and} \quad \int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(Z|X,\theta)dZ = H(\theta, \theta^t)\]
\[\theta^{t+1}=\underset {\theta}{argmax}Q(\theta, \theta^t)\]
\[Q(\theta^{t+1}, \theta^t)\geq Q(\theta, \theta^t)\]
\(\theta\) is a parameter, let \(\theta=\theta^t\)
\(Q(\theta^{t+1}, \theta^t)\geq Q(\theta^t, \theta^t)\)
Then, we have to prove \(H(\theta^{t+1}, \theta^t)\leq H(\theta^t, \theta^t)\)
\[\begin{align} &H(\theta^{t+1}, \theta^t)-H(\theta^t, \theta^t)\\ =&\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(Z|X,\theta^{t+1})dZ-\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log P(Z|X,\theta^t)dZ\\ =&\int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^t)\cdot \log\frac {P(Z|X,\theta^{t+1})}{P(Z|X,\theta^t)}dZ\\ \leq & \log \int_Z P(Z|X,\theta^{t+1}) =\log 1= 0 \quad \text{(Because $E[log x]\leq logE[x]$ or use $=-KL(P(Z|X,\theta^t)||P(Z|X,\theta^{t+1})\leq 0)$} \end{align}\]
This section introduces the CAT method.
The Fisher Information (MFI) method was introduced by Lord (Lord, 1980; Thissen & Mislevy, 2000) and it was the most widespread ISS in the early days of CAT.
Fisher information is a measurement of the amount of information about the unknown capacity \(\theta\) generated by the response pattern(Davier et al., 2019).
According to Davier et al. (2019), firstly, We give the definition of the first derivative of log likelihood function as Score function:
\[S(X|\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d\log f(X_i;\theta)}{d\theta}\]
where \(f(X_i;\theta)\) refers to the likelihood function, θ is the underlying latent trait, and x represents the observed response pattern.
Fisher information is second moment of this Score function:
\[I(\theta)=E[S(X|\theta^2)]\] where \(I(\theta)\) is fisher information.
According to Davier et al. (2019), it can estimate the variance of the MLE equation:
As \(E[S(X;\theta)=0\),we can get that
It is the expectation of the negative second order derivative of log likelihood at the true value of the parameter
\[I(\theta)=-E[f''(x|\theta)]=-\int\frac{d^2\log f(x|\theta)f(x|\theta)}{d\theta^2} dx\]
\[I(\theta)=-E\left[\frac {\partial^2 \log f(x;\theta)}{\partial^2 \theta} \right]\]
Fisher Information reflects the accuracy of our parameter estimates; the larger it is, the more accurate the parameter estimate, i.e. the more information it represents.
The item k’s Fisher information is given by \(I_k(\theta)=\frac {[P_k'(\theta)]^2}{P_k(\theta)Q_k(\theta)}\) according to Davier et al. (2019), where \(P_k(\theta)\) is the item response function for item k which is specified by the selected IRT model, and \(Q_k(θ) = 1 − P_k(θ)\), and \(P_k' (θ)\) refers to the first derivative of the item response function in relation to \(\theta\).
Assuming local independence the test information I(θ) is additive in item information, that means \(I(\theta)=\Sigma I_k(\theta)\).
For the three-parameter logistic (3PL) model, \(P_j(θ)\) is given by
where \(a_k\), \(b_k\) and \(c_k\) respectively refer to the discrimination, hardness, and guessing parameter for the kth item.
If the MFI method is applied to item selection, under the current estimate of \(\theta\) , an eligible item in the bank with the largest Fisher information will be selected as the next item to be managed.
Since the asymptotic variance of \(\theta ^{ML}\),i.e. the maximum likelihood estimate of \(\theta\), is in inverse proportion to the test information, the MFI method is widely considered to be a method to minimize the asymptotic variance of the θ estimate, that is, to asymptotically maximize the measurement precision.
Firstly, Fisher information does not naturally apply to cognitive diagnosis as it is by definition on a continuous variable.In the early phases of CAT, capacity estimation may not yet be accurate. Maximizing information on the basis of an inaccurate and erratic estimate of \(\theta\) can be described as “capitalization on chance”(van der Linden & Glas, 2000). Thus, using the MFI in the early stages of a CAT program may not be ideal.
Secondly, the MFI prefers to pick items with large distinguishing parameters, but uses few items with smaller discrimination parameters. This means that some of the items in the item pool may be underutilized. At the same time,, the excessive exposure of a small number of items with a high degree of distinction may be a critical threat to the security of the test(Chang, 2015; Chang & Ying, 1999).
In addition, the number of items from various content areas or sub-areas often need to be balanced in order to keep the CAT surface and content valid (Cheng, Chang, & Yi, 2007; Yi & Chang, 2003).
The global information method was put forward by Chang and Ying (1996), which use KL distance or information rather than Fisher information in item selection. They demonstrated that global information is more robust for addressing the problem of instability in capacity estimation in the early stage of CAT.
Chang & Ying (1996) proposed the global information method which utilized the KL distance or information instead of Fisher information in item selection. Being more robust, global information could be used to combat the instability of ability estimation in the early stage of CAT.
Fisher information is defined on a continuous variable, if involves discrete, KL Algorithm is preferred.
The Kullback Leibler distance (KL-distance) is defined as a natural distance function from a “true” probability distribution, p, to a “target” probability distribution, q. It can be interpreted as the expected extra message-length per datum due to using a code based on the wrong (target) distribution compared to using a code based on the true distribution.
For discrete (not necessarily finite) probability distributions, p={p1, …, pn} and q={q1, …, qn}, the KL-distance is defined to be
\[D_{KL}(P||Q)=\sum_i P(i)\log\left(\frac {P(i)}{Q(i)}\right)\]
For continuous probability densities,
\[D_{KL}(P||Q)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} P(x)\log\left(\frac {P(x)}{Q(x)}\right)\]
Xu et al.’s (2005) KL Algorithm:
According to Cover & Thomas(1991), KL information is a measure of “distance” between two probability distributions, which can be defined as:
\[d[f,g]=E_f\left[\log \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}\right]\] where \(f(x)\) and \(g(x)\) are two probability distributions.
However, because the unsymmetrical of \(d[f, g]\) and \(d[g, f]\), KL information is not a real distance measure. KL distance is still introduced due to the meaning of it, the larger d[f, g] is corresponding to the easier it is to single out between the two probability distributions \(f(x)\) and \(g(x)\) statistically (Henson & Douglas, 2005).
Suppose t items are selected, and the available items in the pool form a set R(t) at this stage. Consider item h in \(R^{(t)}\). In cognitive diagnosis, conditional distribution of person i’s item responses \(U_{ih}\) given his or her latent state, or cognitive profile, \(\alpha_i\) are what interested. According to the notation of McGlohen and Chang (2008), \(\alpha_{i}=(\alpha_{i1},\alpha_{i2},...,\alpha_{ik},...,\alpha_{iK})'\).
Here \(\alpha_{ik}\) = 0 indicates that the \(i\)th examinee not masters the kth attribute and \(\alpha_{ik} = 1\) otherwise. An attribute is a task, cognitive process, or skill involved in answering an item.
Due to the unknown true state, a global measure of discrimination can be constructed on the basis of the KL distance between the distribution of \(U_{ih}\) given the current estimate of person \(i\)’s latent cognitive state (i.e., \(f(U_{ih}|\hat \alpha_i^{(t)}\))) and the distribution of \(U_{ih}\) given other states.
The KL distance between \(f(U_{ih}|\hat \alpha_i^{(t)}\))) and the conditional distribution of \(U_{ih}\) given another latent state \(\alpha_c\), i.e., \(f(U_{ih}|\alpha_c\))), can be computed as follows:
\[D_h(\hat \alpha_i^{(t)}||\alpha_c)=\sum_{q=0}^1\log \left[\frac{P(U_{ih}=q|\hat \alpha_i^{(t)})}{P(U_{ih}=q|\alpha_c)}\right]P(U_{ih}=q|\hat \alpha_i^{(t)})\]
Xu et al. (2003) stated using the straight sum of the KL distances between \(f(U_{ih}|\hat \alpha_i^{(t)}\))) and all the \(f(U_{ih}|\alpha_c\))), c = 1, 2,…, \(2^K\) (when there are K attributes, there are \(2^K\) possible latent cognitive states):
\[KL_h(\hat \alpha_i^{(t)})=\sum _{c=1}^{2^K}D_h(\hat \alpha_i^{(t)}||\alpha_c)\]
Then the \((t + 1)\)th item for the \(i\)th examinee is the item in \(R(t)\) that maximizes \(KL_h(\hat \alpha_i^{(t)})\). This is referred to as the KL algorithm. The items selected using this algorithm are the most powerful ones on average in distinguishing the current latent class estimate from all other possible latent classes.
It is helpful to choose the optimal parameter. For instance, if p(x) is unknown, a \(q(x|\theta)\) can be constructed to estimate p(x). In order to know \(\theta\), select N samples from p(x) and construct such function:
\[D_{KL}(p||q)=\sum_{i=1}^Np(x_i)(\log p(x_i)-\log(q(x_i|\theta))\]
Then use MLE to estimate \(\theta\).
It is necessary to know the uncertainty of a random variable and Shannon entropy is a good candidate to measure the uncertainty. Cheng(2009) listed an example about the Shannon entropy: a fair coin has entropy of one unit while an unfair coin has lower entropy because there is less uncertainty when guessing the outcome of one unfair coin.
For a discrete random variable X which takes value among \(x_1,x_2,...x_n\), the Shannon entropy is defined as:
In the definition, \(p(x_i)\) is the probability when X = \(x_i\). \(H(X)\) can also be written as \(H(P)\) or H(\(p_1,p_2,...p_n\)). Owing to the formula, we can conclude that independent uncertainties are additive. \(b\) is the base of logarithm, which takes value among 2,e and 10. The differences among choices of b are the unit of entropy. For \(b=2\), unit is bit; for \(b = e\), unit is nat; for $ b = 10$, unit is dit or digit.
The choice of b does not influence the properties of Shannon entropy, so we do not need care the value of b in this part.
This equality holds only when the distribution is certain which means \(\exists\quad p_i=1\), and other \(p_j=0\), where \(i\neq j\).
\(H(P)\) reaches its maximum when all the events share same probability, which means \(p_1=p_2=p_n=\frac{1}{n}\). Moreover, if the events all share same probability, \(H(P)\) increases with the number of events increasing. It means
Shannon entropy is a concave function of P.
Shannon entropy is a continuous function of P which means small changes on probability lead to small changes on entropy.
\[H(P_1)=H(P_2)\] if \(P_1,P_2\) are different permutations of one probability distribution.
Shannon Entropy is used to measure the uncertainty of one probability distribution, while KL-Distance is used to measure the divergence between two probability distributions.So, in the use of Shannon Entropy, only one probability distribution will be involved with two involved in KL-Divergence.
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